“Suspend Disbelief”

Your government agency has embarked upon a journey to improve customer service in the development processing system.  A number of significant changes are anticipated, including a more co-located “one-stop” development services center, shifting to a project-oriented approach when processing applications, and an enhanced information technology and communication system.  Can these changes happen?  They can, but…

The Creative Team Member

Making significant improvements in the development processing system is a very difficult and risky venture from the perspective of the staff members involved in the effort.  Staff (and customers) are being asked to change old habits and embrace new ideas for providing information and processing permits or applications.  As an individual, you could be leading an improvement team…

Do Your Customers Have a Voice In Service Delivery?

Does your organization strive to get customers involved in development services-related performance improvement?  Most communities have recognized that creating a public/private partnership with customers for managing services is essential for existence.  Customers want you to succeed, but they have to be involved to help you.  Experience has shown that creating a partnership, involving customers sincerely in…

Who Is Your Sponsor For Improvement?

If you have come to the conclusion that changes are needed to improve customer service in the development process, there are some key questions to think about.  For example: Based upon initial research, are you expecting the changes to the development process to be significant? Do anticipated changes involve multiple local city or county departments…

Surveying Your Customers

Surveying your customers is likely one of the most important things you can embark upon in the development processing system. Customers can be brutally honest if the survey process is confidential and timely. However their feedback often provides clarity on priorities for improvements, bottleneck areas, and generally gives a snapshot about frustrations they have experienced. Yes….you…

Development Services System Parts

Understanding the development services process as a “system” will yield opportunities for improved efficiency. The system is more than just procedures. It includes many other system “building block©” parts, such as the people side of project management, regulatory framework, information technology, physical space, and performance measurement.